What Could Be So Bad?

31 03 2011

The hardest thing to do in life, is to choose to do something that is so foreign and produces insurmountable amounts of anxiety. At least that’s how I see life’s unknown risks.

From my perspective, it’s like standing above a big black hole, counting to three and taking a leap into the dark abyss below, trusting that others who have gone before you, survived.

It’s a bit like facing death. One has to face it alone. One is best equipped in having faith. And one has to just decide to let it be and jump. So after days and days of trying to get the nerve… After months of so much encouragement along with years of family and friends cheering me on….Today is the day, I simply decided to wince, fill my lungs with as much air as possible and I finally got the courage to step off the ledge. What helped me? Two things kept whispering in my ear. One was accepting that so many professional blogger’s before me have said in mass that the post a blogger posts, always stinks. And secondly, I kept asking myself “what could be so bad”?

After realizing I was really heading into the black infinite hole below, I accepted this first post would stink and I decided to leave my question unanswered, at least for now.

My hope is that I may have a venue to share my writing style, that not everyone may enjoy,  while sharing the many unique roles I have had the opportunity to play in life and hopefully along the way I will help myself and others find the courage to step out of the proverbial box of the known and grow into a ever-expanding, knowledgeable, happy woman of any age. Stay tuned (or feel free to move on) because my hope is to be here for a long, long time with my new community yet to be defined.