Bought, Borrowed, Given, Rented: I Gotta Tell Ya!

It’s hard to find real product reviews that are truly transparent in obtaining the items reviewed. Was the product sent to the reviewer. If a blogger, does a review go hand-in-hand with an advertiser or is there some sort of conflict? I see so many sites that should come clean with products and how they are obtained. I’m beginning with products I have purchased without influence, I just simply researched the items and took the plunge. Sometimes, I may have received the items as a gift or I may be dying to try a product that a friend has purchased, so I may borrow it and even interview the borrow-ee. No matter how the product (or service) is obtained, it will be fully disclosed and there will not be any conflict of interest. I wish I could say I am the girl with the huge UPS delivery of free gifts, but it won’t work well with those parameters.

Why? Well, since I’m not dating much. Why not?

Also, I saw a need to fill this market. Often it’s a challenge to find reviews on unique or high-end products. Since I’m really happy with some new items I have needed and shared some of my “great finds” with others, my friend’s suggested that I share similarly with my audience. I will try it out and do my best to share the experiences, initial impressions and outcomes of a particular product while noting the high’s and low’s of each item. So, look tomorrow for my Flickr photo’s, website product links, and eventual video demonstrations along with whatever it takes to make my point officially know about a given product. What should we name this page? “Happy Products”, “Products That Induce Happy-ness”, “The item that screams happy.” Hmm? Let’s figure this out together. For now, Bought, Borrowed, Given, Rented. Manana!

2 responses

16 01 2012

What a great blog

27 01 2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you!I hope you’ll visit again or subscribe

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