Despite Being Much Too Busy, I Still Find Time To Date. But Should I?

29 07 2011

So while I am crazy trying to figure out my professional writing life while taking care of a house much too large for me, while it is listed to sell and enjoying my final summer with a child in high school, I am finding time to write on my blog such a tough thing to find the time to publish.

I think about it each and every day. I enjoy writing it more than any of the other activities in which I currently participate. But, it is not an income source and that’s currently my focus to chase the almighty dollar. However, I have found time to entertain the thought of being in another relationship. A couple of men I’ve dated have been unsuitable after a few dates. And on occasion, I meet a great person. Yet, as we get more familiar with a new friend, it is always interesting to see what conversations lead to questions or concerns. Middle aged dating is really a crazy maze to navigate. That’s why I posted my poll. I’d love to hear from you all about what your thoughts are on a potential mate commenting on your least favorite body part. I work out diligently and my weight is in the normal range. I receive compliments from friends and acquaintances, yet I have heard from some that I have fat that hangs over the zone near the back closure of my bra.

Seriously? How does someone just offer that when not asked? And furthermore, what woman my age doesn’t have a tiny little bulge around the bra closure in the back? I’ve seen painfully thin women my age and they have this back bulge and I’ve never thought that it was because of excess fat. I have a long way to go to figure out this mature girl phase in life. All it takes is to find time for a few more meditations, affirmations to support my view of my body and maybe communicating to anyone that mentions my stomach pooch or bra bulge that they can go jump in the lake. Am I being too sensitive? Let me know.

One thing is for sure, I’m not letting these comments send me into the depths of depression. Actually, I end up working out harder and imagine that I may be able to turn back the hands of time a little so I can avoid buying the Sassybax bra for as long as possible. Cheers all!