“Just living is not enough… One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

2 08 2011

I have finally completed my fourth installation of one of my favorite yard projects. Writing is my love as are all things domestic. My main professional focuses in life pertain to two main topics: communications and matters of the home. When I can create income generation for these particular passions, all the better. Maybe someday I will be able to retire, but likely not anytime too soon. So why worry? I just keep plugging along while I figure out this new life of mine. But I regress.

My favorite new project is installing micro sprinkler systems. Doing so in my own garden last year, prompted me to begin a personal assistant type business for busy professionals. It’s the easiest task, besides dealing with the physical work and heat. Complete it and evaluate it afterward and never am I disappointed. Plus, it actually looks pretty complex in the end, yielding even more joy. For those of you, tired of remembering to water your container plants, consider trekking out to your local Home Depot or Lowe’s and ask where you can find the products made by MISTER LANDSCAPER. The freedom you will derive is sublime, the thrill of achievement is exuberant and the difference it will make in your plants is stunning. Who knew, right?

There’s a DVD for those of you that are visual learners. And it doesn’t matter if you have four plants to nurture or a huge lawn with vast beds. The system works eloquently and efficiently while you go play in the sun. Basically it consists of a timer, a pressure filter and 1/2″ piping with various adapters and sprinkler heads to water your plants with precision. I cannot tell you how much you will enjoy this system. I’m hoping to upload a video how-to soon. That, however, will take the help of two nearly grown children that are more proficient with today’s camera’s. Happy Gardening!