Someday I’ll Get It Together

25 09 2011

Between having a home on the real estate market, being the “go-to-it Mom” for all things my daughter and her friends need this 12th grade school year and all my other responsibilities, who has time for a blog or finding a job? Well, I guess Super Woman, but I am not trying to fill those shoes. Someone else can gladly step in front of me for that gig.

All I can say is how much I miss not writing and how each day, I awake to jot on my daily “To-Do” list to write my blog. Which nightly, gets moved to the next day’s list. To my reader’s, thank you for just being there and not growing tired of my shenanigans’. I have an upcoming event that will likely allow me some down time, but I’m not making any promises. Until then, I’ll at least touch on a subject that I’ve wanted to write about for a couple of weeks. Yes, Virginia, there is a rule for not wearing white after Labor Day. And by damn, I’m sticking to it. The old tradition didn’t exclude white shirts, but merely bleach white jeans, pants and the like. Traditions are fun and separate our seasons. So when we hear from the style experts of today, saying wear your white jeans. My thought is to hold on to some of those old traditions and ignore those impulses. Besides, waiting until Easter to pull out all your summer whites, is like a surprise Easter weekend. We sometimes forget what great items await in those dusty boxes packed from the previous September.

Until next time, find a bountiful treasure of happiness your way!



4 responses

25 09 2011
Jeanne Sanchez

too funny! The weekend prior to Labor Day, I wore my favorite white shoes with an outfit to church – one of the ladies commented on how nice I looked that day. I mentioned that i had to take this last chance to wear my white shoes, and she said, “Oh yeah, you’re from the South – where they don’t wear white after Labor Day.” I wanted to say that NO ONE should wear white after Labor Day, but decided to go with my sweetest southern smile, and say, “Yes, that’s right!”

27 01 2012

I cannot agree more emphatically! I don’t care what section of the country in which one lives- it’s simply a tradition. We lose more and more traditions with the “relax” generation my contemporaries seem to be adopting!

7 10 2011

Hey, it’s getting kinda dusty around here.

27 01 2012

I’m trying! Whew! Hope my recent writing is encouraging. Time will tell, however! ha!