“Just living is not enough… One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

2 08 2011

I have finally completed my fourth installation of one of my favorite yard projects. Writing is my love as are all things domestic. My main professional focuses in life pertain to two main topics: communications and matters of the home. When I can create income generation for these particular passions, all the better. Maybe someday I will be able to retire, but likely not anytime too soon. So why worry? I just keep plugging along while I figure out this new life of mine. But I regress.

My favorite new project is installing micro sprinkler systems. Doing so in my own garden last year, prompted me to begin a personal assistant type business for busy professionals. It’s the easiest task, besides dealing with the physical work and heat. Complete it and evaluate it afterward and never am I disappointed. Plus, it actually looks pretty complex in the end, yielding even more joy. For those of you, tired of remembering to water your container plants, consider trekking out to your local Home Depot or Lowe’s and ask where you can find the products made by MISTER LANDSCAPER. The freedom you will derive is sublime, the thrill of achievement is exuberant and the difference it will make in your plants is stunning. Who knew, right?

There’s a DVD for those of you that are visual learners. And it doesn’t matter if you have four plants to nurture or a huge lawn with vast beds. The system works eloquently and efficiently while you go play in the sun. Basically it consists of a timer, a pressure filter and 1/2″ piping with various adapters and sprinkler heads to water your plants with precision. I cannot tell you how much you will enjoy this system. I’m hoping to upload a video how-to soon. That, however, will take the help of two nearly grown children that are more proficient with today’s camera’s. Happy Gardening!

Despite Being Much Too Busy, I Still Find Time To Date. But Should I?

29 07 2011

So while I am crazy trying to figure out my professional writing life while taking care of a house much too large for me, while it is listed to sell and enjoying my final summer with a child in high school, I am finding time to write on my blog such a tough thing to find the time to publish.

I think about it each and every day. I enjoy writing it more than any of the other activities in which I currently participate. But, it is not an income source and that’s currently my focus to chase the almighty dollar. However, I have found time to entertain the thought of being in another relationship. A couple of men I’ve dated have been unsuitable after a few dates. And on occasion, I meet a great person. Yet, as we get more familiar with a new friend, it is always interesting to see what conversations lead to questions or concerns. Middle aged dating is really a crazy maze to navigate. That’s why I posted my poll. I’d love to hear from you all about what your thoughts are on a potential mate commenting on your least favorite body part. I work out diligently and my weight is in the normal range. I receive compliments from friends and acquaintances, yet I have heard from some that I have fat that hangs over the zone near the back closure of my bra.

Seriously? How does someone just offer that when not asked? And furthermore, what woman my age doesn’t have a tiny little bulge around the bra closure in the back? I’ve seen painfully thin women my age and they have this back bulge and I’ve never thought that it was because of excess fat. I have a long way to go to figure out this mature girl phase in life. All it takes is to find time for a few more meditations, affirmations to support my view of my body and maybe communicating to anyone that mentions my stomach pooch or bra bulge that they can go jump in the lake. Am I being too sensitive? Let me know.

One thing is for sure, I’m not letting these comments send me into the depths of depression. Actually, I end up working out harder and imagine that I may be able to turn back the hands of time a little so I can avoid buying the Sassybax bra for as long as possible. Cheers all!

I Am Not MIA.

29 06 2011

Sorry to all. Recently I haven’t been able to post to On The Way To Happy due to trying to find a paying writing gig and among other fun things going on in my personal life. I hope to settle down a bit next week and publish an editorial calendar and set up a system that will allow me more flexibility by writing for my blog 3 days a week versus the 5-7 posts I was trying to author. Please have patience and tune in soon. I will get this figured out and still enjoy my personal life while trying to find paid employment. Best!!!

Basic On-Hand Items and A Bit o’ Fish, or Chicken Breast

9 06 2011

Logo website A couple reader’s who know my kitchen shenanigan’s, asked me to post some quick recipe’s for one. Since I have a high school daughter who is very busy with her school and friends, I’ve become fairly proficient on creating the quickest, tastiest dishes that I was asked to share. Here goes with tonight’s recipe.

Downtown Herb Crusted Salmon atop Black Lentils with Steamed Asparagus


Prep and cook time: 30 minutes total. Easy

Items On-Hand:Dried Black Lentils, your container garden herbs, chicken broth, lemon, olive oil, salt,  and pepper,

Dropped by the local Whole Foods: In and out in 7 minutes (Bonus: A nice Pinot Noir & a baguette.) Bought a small filet of Wild Salmon (if fish isn’t your preference, you can sub a small portion of chicken breast. If breast is thick, slice butterfly style for quicker cooking.) A carrot. An onion. One Bunch of Petite Asparagus.

Cooking Tools: A silicon steamer (or parchment paper- come on make some effort here), an Asparagus Steamer (or any steamer device), a small sauce pot, a sharp knife, paper towels, a cutting board, measuring cups, a pair of tongs, cook-top spoon, a small square of foil, a fish spatula.  (If you don’t have a indoor grill, a grill pan)

Pre-heat the grill. 1/4c. of dried black lentils with 1-1/4c of water in a sauce pot, bring to a boil for 3 minutes while you gather herbs.

Best herbs: Parsley, rosemary, thyme, chives. Cut with scissors and a quick chop with a knife. Take the onion and carrot. Peel the carrot and dice into the smallest bits, approximately a few tablespoons of both. Place the diced carrot and onion in a silicon steamer with chicken broth and put in microwave on high for 2 minutes. The lentils have boiled for 3 minutes, now they simmer for 25 minutes. After the microwave dings, put the carrot/onion mixture into the lentils, along with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Pat the salmon filet dry, push the herbs on the salmon filet with some salt, pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Put one-inch of water in an asparagus steamer, squeeze a half lemon in the water and drop the portion size you like of trimmed asparagus into the steamer basket. Cover lid and steam for four minutes. While the asparagus are steaming, the salmon goes onto the indoor grill (or grill pan) for 5 minutes, skin-side down. If you have a curved metal lid, cover the fish and vent to assist in cooking the interior of the filet. Everything is nearly ready- the lentils have almost absorbed the stock, the asparagus are waiting in the steamer basket and one last hatch mark on your salmon for 1 minutes (depending on the thickness of your filet), remove, tent with foil while you plate the lentils and asparagus. Then pull the foil off and top with the salmon. Hope the music is ready, your favorite Rhapsody playlist.  A thyme sprig for the plate and sit with a glass of Pinot Noir. You’re almost glad there’s no one around trying to snag a bite off your plate. Enjoy!

Weiner Wants To Get Off The Subject

8 06 2011

Logo websiteI cannot help myself. And I so hate to be mean-spirited, so please don’t take my musing in that manner. However, tweeting the Wiener, or Wiener’s tweet does bring up (bring up, it’s endless) something I’ve been dying to gauge what women’s views on the matter might be in today’s world. Maybe a poll would be appropriate? Poll, or pole, oh my gosh!

First of all, am I right about this one subject?

I don’t think even the most sexually attuned woman really ever wants to see a twitter, text or email with the main male bits of her lover, friend or pen-pal waiting for her in her inbox. The puns are seriously just infinite, I just could not resist with the inbox, sorry. I don’t care how attractive a woman finds a man, we like all of the bits either in person or photo’s leaving a little more to the imagination. Some women I know might even say, “Keep your bits to yourself.” But I have to occasionally get a read on public opinion since I am skewed on sexual topics often due to surviving my own childhood history. By the way, I’ve worked my tail off and I’m in a good place emotionally now, so no worries out there!

But, seriously guys. I’d like to let you in on a lady-secret. And girlfriend’s, please don’t kick me out of the club for sharing some of our girl codes with the fellas: we really need to help these cute men of ours in on this widely regarded little tidbit. Psst, most of us think it’s just not that pretty to the eye. So not eye candy to the average chick. And those parts all sorta look the same on a text, trust me, I speak from being on the receiving end so many times, I don’t quite understand why, however. And don’t ask me, I’m not discussing.

But, help me out, reader’s. Do we females want to see what the guy on the other end of a correspondence is thinking, deep down…..below? I’m just almost positive the response would be a resounding, “Oh, please gentlemen, don’t waste your data usage!”

What are we supposed to do with a photo of your junk? Keep it in our iPhoto album along with photo’s of the children play’s, family get-together’s and our beloved pet’s photo’s? What a quandary we face, delete or import?

Personally, I’m happy to see a fantastic physique. A toned bare chest is pretty. I adore a muscular set of legs, if they’re on an intriguing man’s body. Remember, I am single and very alive. But, I’d rather imagine what’s hidden in that package. There’s a reason that Saturday Night Live’s skit with Justine Timberlake and Andy Samberg was instantly a classic. We girl’s are laughing, not because a pelvic zone gift wrapped box tied with a bow is exactly what we girlies all want most, but because it’s what we girls imagine men think we gals find appealing and such a generous offer. That’s what I’ve noticed the most about my history of relationships, a dude is always willing to be an incredible giver when it comes to the gift down below. Am I right?

All in jest, my sweet friend’s of the male persuasion. I would hate life without my moments with all the great gentlemen I’ve known over my lifetime! But, stop it with the sexting of that one particular item!

(A link to NBC’s SNL skit mentioned, “D*** in a Box.” Be warned, it is crude, but exactly my kind of humor.)


Two Kids Views on Divorce-A Year Out (Re-post, error before)

6 06 2011

Logo websiteToday was finally a fantastic day. One needed since returning from NYC. I needed relief with some worries. I saw my friend, Joan Colmore, a spiritual healer, an RN and author of “Straight into the Heart of Christ.” She is a spiritual intuitive who uses her wide range of gifts to help soothe souls. There aren’t adequate words to express the love she exudes. I finally broke down and scheduled a time for her to help me to tranquillize some pain. I am certain now with Joan’s insight peace will be restored, a little each day. She’s been there for me since my first concerns for my financial future and blessings on my children’s beings. The comfort she provided me was and is always immeasurable. She gave me the strength to see I would survive and my kid’s would rise above and be really okay.

Looking back, thus far, it appears she was precisely correct. My children have survived and rebounded, each from their personal hell. We are all able to be in a room together and even laugh and share stories. Us being in a room together was all our kids needed to experience again.

In 2006, our marriage had finally died, but I couldn’t take the steps to end it for the longest. There was little fighting for a few years, just palpable disconnect and distance. Actually, my son helped free me, free us all eventually. He knew the sadness in my soul hidden behind the laughter and dinner parties. He begged for me to rid my life of the sadness even though he knew that the casualty would be his best friend, his father. It’s amazing how often we adults discount the credit kid’s deserve for their clarity, simply because we see their youth and short life experience as ill-equipped to know fully the consequences.

Why did our kid’s come out on the other side, seemingly well with mere minor scrapes? Communication and love peppered with more love. And when I thought they could see it and feel it. Repeat and repeat and repeat and continue to keep the communication doors open. I made it clear, my kid’s could be mad at me. And express that anger anytime. Respectfully, but anytime they were permitted to share their true feelings. They helped me, help them. I tried to help give them a voice, the ability to make some decisions and always respected their feelings, no matter what they were at any given time.

What was the worst part of divorce? Hands down, the fracture of the family and its effects on my kids. My kid’s came into this world, left me utterly speechless and in awe of their beauty and purity. My children were sent to me to save me. And save me they have done. And now their wish is to see me happy, which I am and strive to achieve daily. Eventually they hope I find a giant of a man and they have wondered what our family will resemble then. They are good souls and my most rewarding achievement. Nothing will ever fulfill me like the two souls sent to be by my side. We succeeded in ensuring they knew we valued nothing more.

Each passing wedding anniversary, they were my world and my life’s work. They were my husband’s world. And not much has changed, nor will it ever fade. Their lives continually enrich mine and I hope I enrich their lives half as much as they have showered me with their love, giving spirit and connection to the earth. How does one measure the impact of divorce and the potential loss for children?

Research is conflicting. Most studies findings are to stay together. But so many grown kids state they wished their parents had been happy and had left their marriages. Society accepts and encourages the fact that children need to see their parents happy or at least contented. The bible, and other religious readings push sticking it out not matter the cost. But, it’s conflicting due to the fact that God supposedly wants us to be happy and nourished by our partner. Sadly the biggest factor for most of us who survived divorce in our own childhood’s, we are often the greatest challenge when contemplating admission we have not succeeded in providing our children with the loving, happy environment of our dreams. Many of us divorce survivor children swear we will never divorce, but grace was bestowed to me at my lowest point. I succeeded in keeping my home in tact for a long time. I knew I could eventually find a better way to enjoy my ex and our future family moments together. I learned to accept my realization when I made those childhood promises to myself, I wasn’t capable of understanding much of a marriage and its needs. The change I made was for my kid’s and time will tell to see if this difference alleviates some of their personal pain. I hold out hope for a better future for them because I communicated so many of the reasons why it wasn’t working, couldn’t work and how we could live together dissatisfied or separate and find our joy again solo. My son’s eyes piercing my soul the moment he told me I needed to leave, will stay with me forever and hopefully will be a reminder for him to select carefully, nurture to the bitter end and love more selflessly than maybe he cannot even currently imagine. Sadness emanates and can be evident to a child even while parents smile and avoid arguing. For my children, the knowledge and witnessing of words spoken, caused great sadness. Anything had to be better.

Three months after my ex and I separated, my daughter said she was proud that I made a stand for a contented heart and that I wasn’t going to allow anyone, no matter the love, commitment and history, be allowed to ignore me, a loving partner and speak to me disrespectfully. They have both said I am much better. I feel much better and they remind me that just seeing me happy is extremely gratifying to them and ensures our time together is joyful and memorable similar to what they remembered growing up in their younger years.

I’m going to take it year by year and keep it all out in the open, always approachable and hope that we continue moving in this positive, upward direction. So far, so good. A year later, I have to admit, I never imagined they would smile the way they now smile. Guttural laughs like years past and I am soothed knowing how beautiful these two are in my life and how they just continue saving me. Joan and our family counselor both agreed last year, that our kids would be better off for our particular divorce. Seeing them today, all evidence points to a resounding hurrah. I am blessed. I’ve never needed Joan to reassure me of my blessings, I have more than I ever thought I would have been bestowed.

Looking For Richard (It a movie title pun)

5 06 2011

Logo websiteAlmost immediately after my divorce was final, I could feel the giddiness in the pit of my stomach when thinking of the new reawakened world of dating again. I love getting out. I think dating is so much fun. Or at least that’s what I recalled from my youth. I can talk someone’s leg off, hence why I write.

This dating thing, however, is a whole different world today than what I recall from my younger days. I was THAT only girl in my circle of friends who would constantly say, “I love dating!” Even a flop of a date, I thoroughly enjoyed. Enjoyed because I truly liked getting to know others, what makes them tick and the art of listening and laughing was fun. Well, I can officially say that the idea of all that was for the younger girl I once knew. So on the way to find the girl who was lost long ago in a controlling marriage, and a few tough snags since my divorce, the dating game is one activity that will not be a big part of my repertoire. I thought for the last year I wanted to actively find that best friend, but now I just want to sit back and focus on my career path and allow the path of love and or life to unfold before me according to the plan: God’s plan, my belief, or the Universe’s course, whatever you relate to, but the way I am to live this life.

Why the change in the past two decades? I sat down to think in detail and this is what has changed from the Happy girl who was once in her twenties and who has now been bottled and set in the dark atop a shelf for aging and depth development. I suspect my optimal drinking years begin somewhere between 2011-2020, after that I think if I’m still dusty on the shelf, I’ll be past my best friend prime and I’ll focus on philanthropic matters of the heart. Nice wine analogy. But, I adore my red wine. And a wine a little past its prime, still has use, just not to sip for pleasure.

Here’s what I know about the older vintage chick versus the fresh table wine of yesteryear:

* I love being a mate. Best friend. The only other people who would mean as much would be my kids and mother. Post-divorce, many candidates are often jaded, never getting married again and walls are already up before the band ever plays the first song, or potential mates are still living their unsatisfying lives and not able to move on for whatever reason, even though often the reasons are significant and involve children, finances and history. This is not gender specific, plenty of women have the same issues.

*I’m over my divorce. I don’t often want to discuss my ex or spend time on bad blood between us. It’s behind me and I wish him…… peace. Yea, that’s it.

* No longer, do I enjoy the party scene, never was into weed and still don’t want it around me, tired of the scene of indulgence and over-imbibing or talking smack as an entertaining topic on ex’s or ex’s past infractions. I’ve resolved my issues, only a few still exist and I married him. It was good and it was bad. But, I don’t want to spend one-second discussing it publicly when the theme is laughter. There are plenty of real topics to discuss and laughter is my goal. I’ll wait to attend those fun uplifting party’s.

* Because I am an easy person with whom others feel they can talk….I often seem to attract people who are conflicted inside their current relationships. Find me when you’re really ready to reach out. I want to be a comforting, loving best friend. I want be a shoulder on which to lean occasionally, but friends, fix your relationships. Accept them in their current definitions and move forward to begin living with support, happiness and building a new history, sharing passions each day and bringing laughter back into your life. Life is so serious, so why not let go and try to love more by moving on when things can’t be repaired?

A recent study indicates that men struggle at ending a relationship which is unfulfilled. Seriously? Life has too much to offer to suffer terribly for years and years when a partner or both mates will not fix the relationship and provide joy to the other. Love is sacrifice and sometimes painful, but to lose yourself and to be void of essential affection, is death on earth. Value yourself more than to settle and show your children that everyone deserves and needs love, touch and contentment. Besides, there is someone out there wishing you would be theirs. And the love you could gain may change your entire life beyond anything you ever imagined.

But it is so daunting to get to the other side of joy. It’s a one-step at a time struggle. I should be more kind in my delivery.

However, because it’s a jungle out there, I’m staying home. There are other options connecting with available men out in the world. I’ll investigate those options. My list of dreams are simple: I’m seeking huge amounts of joy and great passion with a man who adores me if he exists and I desire to share our hobbies, sports and passions. I’m patient which I guess is a good thing.

Those of you who have navigated these waters, give us newbies some insight. Consider at least, sharing some funny stories or unique prospective thoughts regarding this chapter in life.

So, a stored wine I am to be, between all the prized collectible bottles and vintages perched on the top shelf up high. Until the right aficionado comes along and sees this rare bottle waiting to tickle the palate of those that appreciate the complexities and depth of the Happy girl who once was a delicate, fruity wine out of the barrel, but now has developed a myriad of character, a smooth finish and emits a bright summer, lasting note on the palate.

Dammit, how long on this shelf? Bug-gar! Oh well, I guess I’m still too tannic, quite possibly. It’s not my time.

The affects on children, now let’s really talk.

One Is The Loneliest Number

3 06 2011

Logo websiteBut do you recall the second line of lyrics in the composition? “Two can be as bad as one” which got me to thinking about the descending phase of a relationship. Inside my marriage, the last years were so isolating and filled with such private sadness and void. Ironically, I was so often in the environment of clinking crystal stems of wine, among dozens of friends smiling and sharing stories of family achievements and current events. Moments in a room, trying to escape the truth of the widening distance between me and my mate which weighed heavily on my mind as time passed. I began hating myself for not remaining true to myself by smiling and cajoling others with similar stories. But mostly, I enjoyed the imbibing of a sultry Cabernet while listening to others. Of course, I never would have subscribed to the “let it all hang out” and moan about my predicament nor did I ever want to join a conversation that so many spouse’s led about their less-than perfect significant other. I just wanted to laugh, to forget pain, anger and isolation. Today, there is a common thread. I just want to laugh in this life. The marriage I shared was really pretty good for fifteen years, in between the few crisis’ we encountered. And laughter was definitely something we enjoyed almost until the very end. There’s enough crying we face in life and enough losses to experience. I choose laughter in life. It was one of the greatest attributes I found in my husband and why I wanted to marry him 23 years ago.

I found with each passing year, the challenge to relax and enjoy an evening with friends, much less an evening with my husband, more daunting and exhausting. Finally, in order to live with myself and my truth’s, I knew I had to force a decision to settle with the way things were to be or to commit to finding laughter again to accompany my life. We needed to fix and repair our marriage or I needed out. Needless to say, it’s a bit more than apparent that the latter is what became my married reality. And although being single is sometimes so difficult to face after being in a marriage for over two decades, being a part of a couple for as many years as I was a single girl. The aftermath is a double-edged sword; I am as excited as I am scared.

Walking down Fifth Avenue in NYC last week, in the gleaming bright sun where my cheek would catch a warm caress with each building outline break. I found myself in a smiling stupor. You may know that feeling when alone, absorbing the warmth, the melodic sounds all around, and witnessing the movement all about the streets and brushing by our body. The acknowledgment that we are among so many lives and dreams and we too, are alive and among the living, equipped with our own dreams and realizations. These are the lonely times.

I see art and want to share my thoughts with someone. The job-challenged dude close by is already too far gone for the day to really mutter any sort of comprehensible utterance. I want to share me, my thoughts and my life with my best friend. Where is he? Will he ever find his way to me? I know, so many will say, “Why not a best girl-friend?” I’ve always been my best when with my favorite guy. Whatever that may mean. I’m not desperate, I wouldn’t dare spend my time with another just to fill the void. But the agony now is in the waiting and imagery I invent while waiting for a potential friendship. I guess this is the part of singledom work I am supposed to be doing, so if and when “he” may come along, I am ready to be me, alongside us. My main focus now and actually the focus we should all aspire to attain, is living in the present. Live our lives, love our experiences, find the joy and discover new challenges. My current task is to enjoy my life as I have designed. And most days, I am full of joy and the thought of loneliness is in the distance.

Do I have regret seeking my divorce? Absolutely not, not even for one-second. I work on filling my life with all the ideas and wishes, I had secretly rolling around my head, while inside my marriage, that I repressed for years. Finding fun sports to try, volunteering and exploring my host city that I really haven’t truly explored. Possibly it’s time to find a few other new discoveries or instruction in something new. As I gain more and more ease being by myself alone, I find I’d rather read or write and contemplate my future over wishing I had a date or an evening plan.

It is my choice to fill my life with joy and all things that derive satisfaction, so as I make my last stroll back up Fifth Avenue to check out of my hotel after a grueling week with extreme highs and devastating lows, I feel the wind kissing my cheek sweetly. I am that crazy-looking girl, smiling with the giddy bouncing stride, skirt swinging to and fro with each step, happy to be living a life less lonely and with no regret that my life is now my own. Near the corner of Bergdorf’s, I realize, I may not have the physical body of a man I adore to stroll with arm-in-arm today, but I am sharing this joy, with my soul and I am nourished. Next week, I will begin my fly fishing lessons again, in spite of my ex ignoring my request to fish in a rambling brook. I currently live in some of the most highly sought after fly fishing environments. And fishing is designed for one to enjoy. Ah, again, the joys of not needing my mate to condone or nix my wish to fish.

Enjoy your weekend. I hope the wind kisses you, ever so delicately, skimming your forehead sweetly, reminding you that you have all the ability to control your joy, on your terms. Alone, with a partner, with a friend, whatever works for you on a given day. Enjoy!

I Didn’t Pose For Playboy Because I Wasn’t Pretty Enough

2 06 2011

Logo websiteSo, one of my reader’s posed this title to me. I asked a little more about the reasons why to try to gain some sort of insight. The response led to a discussion regarding a recent documentary on Hugh Hefner and his life’s work above and beyond Playboy Enterprises. Well, I’m not going to write copy for this title without seeing the documentary. So, I set out to locate it and consume it.

Final note: It was good and extremely interesting. I never realized how much energy Hefner spent on women’s issues. Whether we can all agree on his views or actions, is not really relevant to me. Yet, more importantly, it was a great reminder that the blog title is extremely apropos concerning my sentiments, although I never really ever thought about posing nude for any camera. I watched the film intensely, watching the women surrounding Hefner, a few were common looking friend-types and an occasional polished professional woman would grace the camera reels. But far and wide, the mass example of estrogen-filled humans in the video were the young equipped with charismatic smiles, tiny outfits and tits, tits and more tits. Personally, I enjoyed seeing more of the historical reels showing the nearly extinct natural breast over the more common implant representation of today. I mention not as a judgement call . To each his own. It is actually being an older girl who always had an ample bust, but never quite felt comfortable with how the twins were more congenital versus identical. And how lovely a saline-filled rack sure looked so symmetrical and balanced, not to mention the lovely higher profile.

Again, as long as I can recall. And I know many of my oldest friends would absolutely remember and agree, that I have obsessed over the shape, the droop and the differences in each of my breasts for decades. The daily reminder made so obvious when standing nude in front of a mirror post-morning shower, the only frame, by the way, I wish to see my girls in the nude, please. Also, a final blow when my ex left, mentioning my breasts needing a “bit of a lift.” Oh, thanks dear and why did I file for divorce again? Oh, yea.

This ex comment led to my long awaited appointment with a pioneer and very well-known plastic surgeon in Florida who helps breast cancer patients with obtaining natural breast reconstruction by using each patient’s own fat to graph fat tissue pockets to the chest wall and voila, new, natural-looking girls. He’s a lovely surgeon, man, confidence booster to the countless women he has helped over the years. His before and after catalog of pictures are truly amazing. I have to say standing nude while he photographed me, these are medical photograph’s, not for any titillating (-couldn’t resist the word-) entertainment, Dr. Khouri inquired, “Why do you want the procedure?” After I went through my story, which then led to my feeling so ridiculous since I have my own boobies that appear to be cancer-free, he lifted his photographer eye and smiled saying, “You have cute breasts.”

Cute? Wow! Who knew? And although not really cute breasts. Not young and perky tatas, but actually just fine lungs. I think I’ll keep them around for a little longer. But, I realistically know for certain, Mr. Hefner would have never sought out to find cute headlights, he appeared to be looking for mammaries of the most unusual kinds. Never confuse cute with pretty. So for my one fun reader, how was that?

Throw out and suggest some titles for me and I’ll see what kind of “Go-Girl” chat I can create. And, by the way, if my blog ever ends up creating my career of writing and speaking on women’s issues, I will have the Miami Breast Center lift my tired girls with my first $10K and I will try to find a way to “gift” someone who has lost their own, a chance at having Dr. Khouri to work his magic on a fellow girlie struggling to recover from Cancer. This is my promise.


To Ask For Forgiveness

31 05 2011

Logo website We hear it from time-to-time, to make amends with our past infractions. And often, a life change motivates this phenomenon of feeling the need to make things right in one’s world. So, today, I began the pilgrimage of reaching out to those who have haunted me for years, knowing that I inflicted pain in the lives of past friends. Some may not recall even who I am. Others may not give two cents that I have thought of my indiscretions throughout life. That is not the point, however.

The main reason today, I sought to make things right was to spread the truest emotion I possess. Which is hard enough to admit. I love so immensely. I fear love and loss of love, but I love greatly and have recently realized that love is what has always motivated me in finding family, community and an anchor to the earth.

Maybe living with an overwhelming amount of love and desire to love and be loved comes more from the fact that I am an only child. But, I don’t think so, really. I just think as we go through life, we reflect on how we could be a better person, a better friend, a better spouse, a better parent. Those of us who are driven by love, thrown for a loop when the rug is pulled out from underneath, are often put on the spot to consider what we’ve done wrong and what we’ve left undone. Whatever the source, whatever the reason, whatever the motivation,  saying, “I’m sorry” is so easy to do as long as one is perfectly suited to accept a huge “fuck you” in response. I guess that is where I found myself today. I am, I think, ready to be ignored and to even be told to piss off. I just felt I needed to own my mistakes and apologize. Which then led to me pondering, I wonder who else I may have hurt, maybe not even realizing it? And too, I wonder if anyone who has ever hurt me in the past, thinks about that hurt inflicted on me? I guess I can’t contemplate the thought of who hurt me, too much, because I am fine and have been enriched by so much, so many and with life’s experiences. I am at peace. Even with my ex. I don’t need his apologies for anything and I may find a time later, that I apologize for any hurt I may have caused him. It’s a bit selfish, however, because selfishly I feel upstanding extending the little white flag. Am I missing anything here?

In your past, what hurts were non-negotiable to ever accept a sincere apology? Have you ever wanted to reach out and message an old friend with an apology? Have you actually apologized and had a funny story in the end? I would love to hear others experiences. This road of life is a twisty, rocky little lane that requires so much pulling over and consulting a map. Crazy!