I Don’t Blame Any of You

7 09 2011

I wouldn’t blame anyone for the rolling of eyes. She’s trying to discover who she is, lost from long ago. Yet, she doesn’t even say a word since August. I have some excuses, none very out of the ordinary, but real. I hope I’m forgiven.

After speaking to many bloggers who also write for a living, I find that many only post on their blogs a few weekdays. So, I may try this avenue. I am currently finding that balancing kids, while they are older, still I am trying to make myself available to them and their needs. I had some much-needed vacation time with them both. I had some responsibilities to my daughter to ensure the start of her senior year in high school was as perfect as possible while coinciding with saying goodbye to her best friend with whom she fell madly in love with quite accidentally. He is a darling young man headed out into the scholarly world while she stays back to finish her last year before heading in her own direction. On top of all of these “mom” duties, I have been working on some public relations projects for a large local firm, working on my other business of home management, alongside trying to balance too many bills like so many of us while also trying to keep up my workout commitment and my philanthropic endeavors. So, that’s the bottom line. All is finally settling down and I’m going to shoot for writing Monday, Wednesday, Friday and maybe a bonus day. Besides, I have so much to share.

I’ve just finished a micro sprinkler installation for a client to manage his lush landscape so he can concentrate on his successful firm and also enjoy his garden when he has that tiny window for relaxing. It turned out great and I cannot express adequately how easy the project is to do for anyone that is tired of watering container gardens or pretty flower beds. Currently, I am working on an audio aficionado’s music CD collection. Firstly, organizing his vast collection in alphabetic order and then uploading all his CD’s into Mp3 files and placing them on an external hard drive to beam to the new iTunes Cloud feature. Once that is accomplished, this music lover client of mine will be able to sample his music anywhere and any of his mobile devices or computers. Rock festivals, travels, recipes, controversial opinions and quandaries and so much more. Promise, I’ll get my act together if you’ll hang with me.

The hardest part was forcing myself back onto the keyboard, ‘fessing up, apologizing and then finding the strength to move forward. So, onward!



6 responses

7 09 2011

No rolling of the eyes from me, Happy. Just glad to hear from you again. Onward . . . through the fog.
❤ – Julie

7 09 2011

I like that! The fog….yes, the fog!!! Thanks for the wink. It’s appreciated more than you could possibly know! Best, Happy

7 09 2011

Here Here! I too have no eye-roll for you.

No, no… we are like that comfortable chair, by light, by window, the book closed on it’s mark, readily waiting for the reader to return. We are all both the reader and the writer I think… Being in our own minds we read ourselves, until we share and write. So I wish you refreshment of a good break and good fortune in taking up the chair with us again!

7 09 2011

And what… no photos?

8 09 2011

Soon! Promise!

7 09 2011

Welcome back!